As you can see you can either come inside or you can pick some flowers from the flower pot. Oh yea don't forget the mailman likes to come also
On the side of our house come sit along our fence and eat some apples and watch the squirrel.
As we continue on our tour you can see we have done what the prophet has asked us to do. Which was plant a garden,
We plant corn that is already to harvest. Also the carrots are big enough to eat. And who wants a salad for dinner because the lettuce looks good enough to eat. But we need to wait a little longer so our pumpkin can get bigger,
As we continue along our tour you can see that we have a large window so we can watch the birds from inside our home. .
But on the outside of our home we took much effort to beautify the world. We have flowers that can be picked and green grass and bushes. And don't forget the turtle who likes to visit us!
That concludes the tour of our new home.
We sure hope you liked our new home. I had a great time building our new home. And I am sure Whitney and Zoey will have a great time playing in and around our new home.